6–9 Jan 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone


Detector R&D studies, software needs and development for the EIC motivated by the physics measurements

8 Jan 2016, 14:00
UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley


Detector R&D studies, software needs and development for the EIC motivated by the physics measurements: Parallel Session

  • Klaus Dehmelt (Stony Brook)
  • Carlos Munoz-Camacho (Orsay)


Should cover: EIC R&D program activities underway

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Markus Diefenthaler (JLAB)
08/01/2016, 14:00
(20 + 5)
Jin Huang (BNL)
08/01/2016, 14:25
(20 + 5)
Matt Posik (Temple U)
08/01/2016, 14:50
(20 + 5)
Joshua Hoskins (U Manitoba)
08/01/2016, 15:15
(12 + 3)
Rich Petti (BNL)
08/01/2016, 15:30
(15 +5)
Greg Kalicy (ODU / JLAB)
08/01/2016, 16:05
(15 +5)
Choi IhnJea (UIUC)
08/01/2016, 16:25
(15 +5)
Zhiwen Zhao (Duke U)
08/01/2016, 16:45
(15 +5)
Ernst Sichtermann (LBNL)
08/01/2016, 17:05
Richard Milner (MIT)
08/01/2016, 17:25
(15 +5)
Nils Feege (Stony Brook)
08/01/2016, 17:45
(12 +3)
Building timetable...