Jan 6 – 9, 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone


Hadron structure, nuclear environment & binding

Jan 8, 2016, 2:00 PM
UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley


Hadron structure, nuclear environment & binding: Parallel Session

  • Will Horowitz (U Cape Town)
  • Kawtar Hafidi (ANL)
  • Tanja Horn (CUA)


Should cover: 3D imaging of nucleons and nuclei, energy loss studies, color propagation, hadronization in cold and hot QCD matter, physics potential with spectator tagged reactions at the EIC

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Heikki Mäntysaari (BNL)
1/8/16, 2:24 PM
Thomas Ullrich (BNL / Yale)
1/8/16, 2:48 PM
Mark Baker (BNL)
1/8/16, 3:12 PM
Yulia Furletova (JLAB)
1/8/16, 3:36 PM
Christian Weiss (JLAB)
1/8/16, 4:24 PM
Jerry Miller (U Washington)
1/8/16, 4:48 PM
Charles Hyde (Old Dominion U)
1/8/16, 5:12 PM
Hongxi Xing (LANL)
1/8/16, 5:36 PM
Building timetable...