Conferences will be offline for about 30 minutes on Thursday, March 13 starting at 5PM while the system is upgraded.

NSD Staff Meeting


Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 792 948 648 Password: 334258

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    • 12:00 12:05
      Announcement 5m
      Speaker: Andre Walker-Loud

      Additional Notes:

      Begin forwarded message:
      From: Sandra Ritterbusch <[email protected]>
      Subject: [level1-nsd] Nuclear Science Division FY23 LDRD Process: Presentations
      Date: February 8, 2022 at 10:00:00 AM PST
      Sent on behalf of Alan Poon, Nuclear Science Division Deputy
      All -
      This is a reminder that the first of two FY23 LDRD presentations will be on Friday, February 11, 1:00-4:00pm PT, with the second presentation scheduled for Friday, March 11, 1:00-4:00pm PT (see Zoom info and timeline below).  Therefore, we ask that if you are presenting that you please provide me (via responding to this email) with the following information so we can build the schedule:
      1. Your name, and the title 
      2. Time(s) you are available to present 
      If you have any questions re this request, please let us know ASAP.
      Kind regards and I thank you for your cooperation.
      Dear NSD colleagues,
      LBNL Director, Mike Witherell, has initiated the FY 2023 Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Program with a Call for Proposals. Please read the Call attached to this email carefully.  There are important changes from previous years.
      For the FY2023 cycle, the LDRD program will pursue four funding tracks: Lab-wide Initiative, Multi-Area Topics, Area Priority, and Early Career Development proposals. Specific topics or areas of interest for each of the four tracks are outlined in the Call.
      The typical website with LDRD info ( has not been updated yet.  But we want to get the idea-exchange discussions and strategizing started given the different tracks, especially the multi-area topic (more on this below).
      The LDRD Program is becoming an increasingly important source of seed funds and we wish to ensure that we do our best to take advantage of this opportunity, especially with the potential of additional Directorate support for multi-area topics.  Please also refer to the priorities detailed in the Physical Sciences Area section of the call.  There is also an area-wide priority to support innovative ideas in instrumentation, with an emphasis on detector and readout R&D that could enable scientific opportunities in more than one discipline, with participation of multiple Divisions to create synergies across and outside the Area.  For multi-area proposals, (i.e. collaboration with Divisions beyond NSD, Physics, ATAP, Engineering), there is the potential that our Lab Directorate will make additional contributions.
      In order to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible, there are a number of deadlines, imposed either by the Division or the Lab, that must be met:
      From now until Thursday, February 10 :
      - Please discuss ideas with your program head.
      - Please reach out to other groups at the Lab to discuss collaboration opportunities.
      - Please schedule appointments with Laura Stine ([email protected]) to discuss the budget.
      Friday, February 11 (1:00pm to 4:00pm PT)Zoom: h9q62L8Y6f          
      - Short presentations [no more than five slides and no longer than 10 minutes] on ideas for LDRD proposals.
      - Initial feedback from the Division.
      On or before Friday, March 11:
      - Please ensure the LDRD package is near final form including budget documentation.
      Friday, March 11 (1:00-4:00pm PT)Zoom:   Passcode: h9q62L8Y6f
      - LDRD presentations [5 slides, inclusive of budget and staffing estimates, no more than 10 minutes in length] will be given at this open NSD meeting.
      By Wednesday, March 23:
      - Proposals submitted to the online system.
      Friday, March 25 (official submission lock date):
      - the Lab will lock the submissions website for further processing.  
      Kind regards.
      Alan Poon


    • 12:05 12:15
      Physical Sciences Announcement 10m
      Speaker: Natalie Roe
    • 12:15 12:25
      Safety 10m
      Speaker: Jeff Bramble (NSD)

      Additional notes:

      Tom Gallant to Everyone (12:21 PM)
      If you have taken items home, please log them on this form: Items ordered to be drop shipped to your home do not need to be entered into this form. If you want to see what items you have already logged, please contact your admin support.

    • 12:25 12:40
      Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 15m
      Speakers: Ernst Sichtermann, Heather Crawford, Mark Bandstra, Tom Gallant (LBNL)

      Additional Notes:

      Mark Bandstra (he/him) to Everyone (12:30 PM)
      Asian Pacific Islander and gLoBaL ERG Lunar New Year event:
      Tomorrow, February 9 at 3pm

      Mark Bandstra (he/him) to Everyone (12:30 PM)
      Black History Month events hosted by the African-American ERG:

      * February 9 (tomorrow) @ 12 noon - "A Plan of Action" Speaker Series with Damian Rouson, Staff Scientist, Computing Sciences; Zoom link:

      * February 11 (Friday) @ 12 noon - ETA’s 5th Annual Black History Month (BHM) Celebration; Zoom link:

      * February 17 (next Thursday) @ 12 noon - "A Plan of Action" Speaker Series with Deborah Smith, Sr. Administrator, Physics Division; Zoom link:

      Mark Bandstra (he/him) to Everyone (12:30 PM)
      Consider joining the Council!
      * All-volunteer effort
      * Looking for people from all roles and areas of NSD

      Share your ideas for topics or other feedback:
      [email protected]

    • 12:40 13:00
      The future Jefferson Lab program in NSD 20m
      Speaker: John Arrington