29 May 2018 to 3 June 2018
Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Conference Center
US/Pacific timezone

Lepton Universality Violation

30 May 2018, 08:00
East Foyer | Larkspur/Mesquite Rooms (Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Conference Center)

East Foyer | Larkspur/Mesquite Rooms

Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Conference Center

44600 Indian Wells Lane, Indian Wells, CA 92210, USA
Plenary HFCKM Plenary 3


Dr Gerco Onderwater (University of Groningen)


There is a wealth of experimental results questioning the deep-rooted assumption of lepton universality in flavour-changing interactions. Recently, several anomalies were reported by the LHCb collaboration and there is the long standing discrepancy of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. At the same time the large LHC experiments do not see clear signals of New Physics, and there are ever-more impressive limits on charged lepton flavour violation. A comprehensive overview of the anomalous results will be presented and their implications will be highlighted.
E-mail [email protected]
Collaboration name LHCb

Primary author

Dr Gerco Onderwater (University of Groningen)

Presentation materials