Heavy Flavors and the CKM Matrix: Parallel 3 — Belle / Belle II and the CKM Matrix
- Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cincinnati)
Heavy Flavors and the CKM Matrix: Parallel 7 — Lattice QCD | Mixing | Decays
- Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cincinnati)
Wolfgang Altmannshofer
(University of Cincinnati)
5/30/18, 2:00 PM
The Standard Model CKM matrix describes the observed flavor and CP violating phenomena in particle physics remarkably well. I will review the results of the global Unitarity Triangle fits performed by the UTfit and CKMfitter collaborations that use the latest inputs from experiments, lattice QCD, and phenomenological calculations. Furthermore, I will discuss how the Unitarity Triangle analysis...
Tomonari Miyashita
5/30/18, 2:30 PM
We present a recent joint measurement of the CP violating angle $\beta$ using 1.1 inverse attobarns of data collected by the BaBar and Belle experiments. This analysis is based on a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of $B\to D^\star h^0$ with $D\to K^0_S\pi^+\pi^−$ decays. These decays provide experimental access to cos(2$\beta$) as well as sin(2$\beta$), and can therefore resolve an...
Matic Lubej
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
5/30/18, 3:00 PM
Semileptonic decays of $B$ mesons involving low-mass charged leptons $e$ or $\mu$ are expected to be free of non-Standard Model contributions and therefore play a critical role in determinations of $\vert V_{cb} \vert$ and $\vert V_{ub} \vert$ ($\vert V_{qb} \vert$). Decays of the form $b \to c \ell \bar \nu_\ell$ and $b \to u \ell \bar \nu_\ell$ allow us to determine these matrix elements and...
Anselm Vossen
(Duke University/JLab)
5/30/18, 3:20 PM
The Belle II experiment at the asymmetric energy $e^+e^-$ collider SuperKEKB is a next generation B-factory, taking advantage of an upgrade of the collider complex to deliver about 40$\times$ the luminosity that was available to Belle. Together with a state-of-the-art detector upgrade, a rich physics program will be accessible by Belle II. Highlights are beyond-the-standard-model physics...
Chia Cheng Chang
6/1/18, 2:00 PM
We calculate in three-flavor lattice QCD the short-distance hadronic matrix elements of all five $\Delta C=2$ four-fermion operators that contribute to neutral $D$-meson mixing both in and beyond the Standard Model. We use the MILC Collaboration's $N_f = 2+1$ lattice gauge-field configurations generated with asqtad-improved staggered sea quarks. We also employ the asqtad action for the valence...
Carleton DeTar
(University of Utah)
6/1/18, 2:30 PM
We describe a recent lattice-QCD calculation of the leptonic decay constants of heavy-light pseudoscalar mesons containing charm and bottom quarks and of the masses of the up, down, strange, charm, and bottom quarks. Results for these quantities are of the highest precision to date. Calculations use over twenty isospin-symmetric ensembles of gauge-field configurations with six different...
Oliver Witzel
(University of Colorado Boulder)
6/1/18, 3:00 PM
Semileptonic $B_s \to K \ell \nu$ and $B_s \to D_s \ell \nu$ decays provide an alternative $b$-decay channel to determine the CKM matrix elements $|V_{ub}|$ and $|V_{cb}|$ or obtain $R$-ratios to investigate lepton flavor universality violations. In addition, these decays may shed further light on the discrepancies seen in the analysis of inclusive vs. exclusive decays. Using the...
6/1/18, 3:20 PM
Flavor SU(3) analysis of B meson charmless hadronic two light pseudoscalar decays can be formulated in two different ways. One is to construct the SU(3) irreducible representation amplitude (IRA) according to effective Hamiltonian transformation properties, and the other is to draw the topological diagrams (TDA). We first point out that previous analyses of TDA and IRA approaches do not match...