Jan 25 – 29, 2019
US/Pacific timezone

Exploring a potential link between environmental radiation and excess quasiparticles in superconducting qubits

Jan 29, 2019, 12:00 PM
Building 66- Auditorium (LBL-Hill)

Building 66- Auditorium


Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Berkeley, California
Quantum sensing Sensing IV


Dr Brent VanDevender (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)


Excess quasiparticles are universally observed to limit coherence times in superconducting qubits. It is hypothesized that natural radiation in the laboratory environment could be the cause. We will review the evidence for excess quasiparticles and explore our hypothesis that environmental radiation is the source of them. Plans for an imminent experiment to test the hypothesis by placing a series of radioactive sources in close proximity to qubit specimens will be presented.

Primary author

Dr Brent VanDevender (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)


Prof. Joe Formaggio (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr John Orrell (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Prof. Will Oliver (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Lincoln Labs)

Presentation materials

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