Jun 13 – 17, 2022
Berkeley, CA
US/Pacific timezone

Mapping the N = 40 Island of Inversion with neutron-rich iron isotopes at TITAN

Jun 16, 2022, 1:50 PM
Berkeley, CA

Berkeley, CA

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Oral Oral Presentations NS2022 Plenary


William Porter (University of Notre Dame)


Mass measurement facilities are extremely important in furthering our understanding of nuclear structure away from the valley of stability, including aiding in the search for collective behaviors in exotic nuclei. TRIUMF’s Ion Trap for Atomic and Nuclear science (TITAN) is among the world’s premier precision trapping facilities, with the newly added Multiple-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (MR-ToF-MS) expanding its reach. The TITAN MR-ToF-MS was used in the measurement of neutron-rich iron isotopes around $N = 40$. These masses are critical in investigating a potential Island of Inversion at $N = 40$, which has been supported previously in literature by increased collectivity seen in this region. In total, the masses of $^{67-70}$Fe were measured, with $^{69}$Fe and $^{70}$Fe constituting first time measurements and $^{67}$Fe and $^{68}$Fe resulting in improvements over current literature uncertainties. The impact of these mass measurements on the presence of a surfacing Island of Inversion will be discussed.

Primary author

William Porter (University of Notre Dame)


Behnam Ashrafkhani (University of Calgary) Julian Bergmann (JU Giessen) Callum Brown (University of Edinburgh) Thomas Brunner (TRIUMF/McGill) Jaime Cardona (TRIUMF/University of Manitoba) Dominique Curien (Universite de Strasbourg) Irene Dedes (Polish Academy of Sciences) Timo Dickel (JLU Giessen) Jerzy Dudek (Universite de Strasbourg/Marie Curie-Sklodowska University) Eleanor Dunling (TRIUMF/University of York) Gerald Gwinner (University of Manitoba) Zachary Hockenbery (TRIUMF/McGill) Jason Holt (TRIUMF/McGill) Christina Hornung (JLU Giessen) Chris Izzo (TRIUMF) Andrew Jacobs (TRIUMF/UBC) Abhilash Javaji (TRIUMF/UBC) Brian Kootte (TRIUMF/University of Manitoba) Gabi Kripko-Koncz (JLU Giessen) Marilena Lykiardopoulou (TRIUMF/UBC) Takayuki Miyagi (TRIUMF) Ish Mukul (TRIUMF) Tobias Murboeck (TRIUMF) Wolfgang Plass (JLU Giessen) Pascal Reiter (University of Edinburgh/JLU Giessen) Jon Ringuette (TRIUMF/Colorado School of Mines) Christoph Scheidenberger (JLU Giessen) Roshani Silwal (TRIUMF) Coulter Walls (TRIUMF/University of Manitoba) Yilin Wang (TRIUMF/UBC) Jens Dilling (TRIUMF/UBC) Ania Kwiatkowski (TRIUMF/University of Victoria)

Presentation materials