9–10 Dec 2019
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone


Although weather here in the East Bay tends to be both warmer and less capricious than that of San Francisco, locals master the art of "layering" and take the forecast to be merely the centroid of a seasonal parameter space.

Berkeley in early December would typically have daytime highs in mid 50˚ F range (12-13˚ C) and overnight lows dipping into the low 40˚ F range (4-7˚ C), with a small but existent chance of rain.

Here are the  immediate weather forecast and current conditions.

Find more about Weather in Berkeley, CA


Below is the view from the University of California’s Lawrence Hall of Science. This museum is our back-fence neighbor, just up the hill from Building 71. You are looking toward the Golden Gate Bridge, with San Francisco to the left and Berkeley in the foreground. Click here for their full webcam page, including live data from their weather station.


Lawrence Hall of Science weather cam