HEP GARD Accelerator and Beam Physics: Community-driven Strategic Roadmap Workshop #1

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Building 71, Conference Room 264
Jean-Luc Vay

At the request of the Department of Energy - Office of High Energy Physics, we are developing a community-driven Strategic Roadmap for Accelerator and Beam Physics thrust of the HEP General Accelerator R&D (GARD) program.  To solicit community input to the roadmap , two preparatory workshops will be convened, at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory on December 9-10, 2019 and in the Chicago area in March 2020. 

The goal of the workshops is to identify the key Accelerator and Beam Physics (ABP) needs to fulfill OHEP’s GARD mission and to develop a decadal roadmap for thrust activities that OHEP could support. 

The preparatory workshops will be organized around the following topical working groups:

  • Workshop #1 (LBNL, Dec. 9-10, 2019):

    • (WG1) Single-particle dynamics, including nonlinearities, and spin dynamics. [Conveners: S. Nagaitsev, L. Spentzouris, Y. Cai]

    • (WG2) High-brightness beam generation (including polarized beams), transport, manipulation and cooling. [Conveners: J. Rosenzweig, P. Piot, A. Valishev]

    • (WG3) Mitigation and control of collective phenomena: instabilities, space charge, beam-beam, beam-ion effects, wakefields, and coherent synchrotron radiation. [Conveners: J. Power, Z. Huang, S. Cousineau]

    • (WG4) Connections to other GARD roadmaps (cross-cutting WG1-3) [Conveners: J.-L. Vay, M. Conde, M. Hogan]

  • Workshop #2 (Chicago area, March 2020):

    • (WG1) Advanced accelerator instrumentation and controls.

    • (WG2) Modeling and simulation tools (including energy deposition); fundamental theory and applied math.

    • (WG3) Early conceptual integration and optimization, maturity evaluation

    • (WG4) Connections to other GARD roadmaps; synergies with non-HEP

Please submit topics (including a short abstract) for Workshop #1 to [email protected] by November 17 and for Workshop #2 to [email protected] by January 31.

Please specify in your submission the working group(s) of interest. This call for topics will be followed with invitations to attend the preparatory workshops.

The four ABP grand challenges are:

  • Grand challenge #1 (beam intensity):  How do we increase beam intensities by orders of magnitude?

  • Grand challenge #2 (beam quality): How do we increase beam phase-space density by orders of magnitude, towards quantum degeneracy limit?

  • Grand challenge #3 (beam control): How do we control the beam distribution down to the level of individual particles?

  • Grand challenge #4 (beam prediction): How do we develop predictive “virtual particle accelerators”?

In addition to these grand challenges, other equally important ABP missions are associated with the overall DOE HEP missions:

  • Advance the physics of accelerators and beams to enable future accelerators.

  • Develop conventional and advanced accelerator concepts and tools to disrupt existing costly technology paradigms in coordination with other GARD thrusts.

  • Guide and help to fully exploit science at the HEP GARD beam facilities and operational accelerators.

  • Educate and train future accelerator physicists.

Zhirong Huang (SLAC/Stanford), Sergei Nagaitsev (Fermilab/UChicago), Philippe Piot (NIU), John Power (ANL), James Rosenzweig (UCLA), Linda Spentzouris (IIT), and Jean-Luc Vay (LBNL)

  • Alexander Valishev
  • Alexey Burov
  • Brian Beaudoin
  • Bruce Dunham
  • Carl Schroeder
  • Chad Mitchell
  • Derun Li
  • Eric Prebys
  • Eugene Kur
  • Gennady Stupakov
  • Glen White
  • Gregory Penn
  • Gwanghui Ha
  • James Rosenzweig
  • Jarrod Leddy
  • Jean-Luc Vay
  • Ji Qiang
  • John Power
  • John Seeman
  • Jonathan Jarvis
  • Kilean Hwang
  • Levon Dovlatyan
  • Linda Spentzouris
  • LK Len
  • Manoel Conde
  • Mark Hogan
  • Mark Palmer
  • Nikolay Solyak
  • Peter Denes
  • Peter Stoltz
  • Philippe PIot
  • Remi Lehe
  • Robert Ainsworth
  • Robert Ryne
  • Sarah Cousineau
  • Sergei Nagaitsev
  • Soren Prestemon
  • Stephen Webb
  • Swapan Chattopadhyay
  • Thomas Schenkel
  • Tianhuan Luo
  • Timofey Zolkin
  • Tor Raubenheimer
  • Valeri Lebedev
  • Vitaly Yakimenko
  • Vladimir Shiltsev
  • Vyacheslav Yakovlev
  • Yue Hao
  • Yunhai Cai
  • Zhirong Huang
  • Monday, 9 December
  • Tuesday, 10 December
    • 09:00 09:15
      Welcome & logistic
    • 09:15 10:35
      WG2 - High brightness

      Mitigation and control of collective phenomena: instabilities, space charge, beam-beam, beam-ion effects, wakefields, and coherent synchrotron radiation.

      • 09:15
        WG2 - Removing beam power density limitations on H- charge exchange 20m
        Speaker: Sarah Cousineau (ORNL)
      • 09:35
        WG2 - Microbunched Coherent Electron Cooling for Future Hadron Colliders 20m
        Speaker: Gennady Stupakov (SLAC)
      • 09:55
        WG2 - Optical Stochastic Cooling (via zoom) 20m
        Speaker: Jonathan Jarvis (Fermilab)
      • 10:15
        WG2 - Ultra-cold beams and cooling methods 20m
        Speaker: Valeri Lebedev (Fermilab)
    • 10:35 10:50
      Break 15m
    • 10:50 12:30
      WG2 - High brightness

      Mitigation and control of collective phenomena: instabilities, space charge, beam-beam, beam-ion effects, wakefields, and coherent synchrotron radiation.

    • 12:30 13:30
      Working lunch
    • 13:30 15:30
      WG4 - Connections to Others

      Connections to other GARD roadmaps (cross-cutting WG1-3)

    • 15:30 15:45
      Break 15m
    • 15:45 17:15
      Discussion, synthesis & conclusions
      • 15:45
        WG4 - Discussion 45m
      • 16:30
        All WG Discussion 45m
    • 17:15 17:30
      Closing & plans for next workshop