Dmytro Ptashynskyi
(Odessa National Polytechnic University)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
Problems of the Standard Model, associated with the introduction of non-gauge interactions and with the introduction of an electromagnetic field as a linear combination of fields on which various gauge groups are implemented, are analyzed. It is noticed that the existing model contains U(1) – phase uncertainty of the matrix elements of the raising and lowering generators of the SU(2) group....
Oliver Witzel
(University of Colorado Boulder)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
Beyond Standard Model theories describing the electro-weak sector must exhibit a large separation of scales (or "walking") to account for a light, 125 GeV Higgs boson and the fact that so far no other resonances have been observed. Large separation of scales arises naturally and in a tunable manner in mass-split models that are built on a conformal fixed point in the ultraviolet. Splitting the...
Ryan Dunlop
(University of Guelph)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
Half-lives of $N=82$ nuclei below doubly-magic $^{132}$Sn are key input parameters for calculations of any astrophysical $r$-process scenario and play an important role in the formation and shape of the second $r$-process abundance peak. In the past, shell-model calculations of neutron-rich nuclei near the $N=82$ neutron shell closure that are not yet experimentally accessible have been...
Cosmin Deaconu
(UChicago / KICP)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
Experiments such as the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) use in-ice antennas to detect the Askaryan radio emission produced by interactions of ultra-high-energy neutrinos in glacial ice. A prototype phased array trigger was recently deployed with an ARA station this austral summer (December 2017–January 2018). The phased array trigger forms beams from multiple antennas in real time to reduce the...
Matthew Szydagis
(U Albany)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
We have all heard of the cloud and bubble chambers of course, and the latter in the context of direct WIMP dark matter detection even. However, no one has explored a third phase transition, into solid, until now that is. This poster will introduce the snowball chamber, which utilizes a supercooled liquid, just purified water in the prototype. An incoming particle triggers nucleation in the...
Nicholas Omahen
(University of California, Santa Cruz)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
Recent TeV observations of nearby pulsars with the HAWC telescope have been interpreted as evidence that diffusion of high-energy electrons and positrons within pulsar wind nebulae is highly inefficient compared to the rest of the interstellar medium. If the diffusion coefficient well outside the nebula is close to the value inferred for the region inside the nebula, high-energy electrons and...
Jung-Tsung Li
(UC San Diego)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
We estimate the gravitational radiation signature of the $e^+e^-$ annihilation-driven neutrino burst accompanying the asymmetric collapse of an initially hydrostatic, radiation-dominated supermassive object suffering the Feynman-Chandrasekhar instability. An object with a mass $5\times10^4 \ \mathrm{M_{sun}} < M < 5\times10^5 \ \mathrm{M_{sun}}$, with primordial metallicity, is an optimal case...
Andrew Ludwig
(University of Chicago)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
The ANtarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) is a NASA balloon-borne radio (180–1200 MHz) telescope sensitive both to impulsive Askaryan radio emission from ultra-high energy ($> 10^{18}$ eV) neutrino-initiated showers in the Antarctic ice sheet, as well as geomagnetically-induced radio emission from extensive air showers (EAS) initiated by cosmic rays or upward-going tau leptons that are...
Lindsay Forestell
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
WIMPs have not yet been seen via direct detection, indirect detection, or in collider searches. Perhaps now is a good time to consider alternate mechanisms for DM production.
We investigate a new production mechanism for dark matter that consists of both a non-thermal freeze-in component as well as a hidden sector freeze-out.
Wladyslaw Henryk Trzaska
(University of Jyvaskyla)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
The underground mining in the Pyhäsalmi mine, Finland, is coming to an end in approximately 18 months after nearly 60 years of operation. The infrastructure of the mine is in excellent condition, including 1400-metre long vertical elevator shaft and 11-km long truck-size decline for transportation, large underground storage and service halls, offices, restaurant and modern communication...
Sidney Cahn
(Yale University)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
Nuclear spin dependent parity violation (NSD-PV) effects in atoms and molecules arise from $Z^0$ boson exchange between electrons and the nucleus, and from the magnetic interaction between electrons and the parity-violating nuclear anapole moment. It has been proposed to study NSD- PV effects using an enhancement of the observable effect in diatomic molecules. Here, we demonstrate...
Daniel Kaplan
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) is a feasibility demonstration of a crucial emittance-reduction technique for future muon colliders and neutrino factories. MICE has studied the effect of ionization energy loss in low-Z absorber materials on a muon beam. Muons were focussed on lithium hydride and liquid hydrogen absorbers using a large-aperture solenoid. Particle tracking and...
Nick Hutzler
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
The fact that the universe is made entirely out of matter, and contains no free anti-matter, has no physical explanation. While we cannot currently say what process created the matter in the universe, we know that it must violate a number of fundamental symmetries, including those that forbid the existence of certain electromagnetic moments of fundamental particles. We can search for...
Xuan Sun
(California Institute of Technology)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
The neutron lifetime is currently measured by two different types of experiments: 'beam' and 'bottle'. These two measurement techniques have a $4\sigma$ discrepancy in measured lifetime. A recent paper proposes to resolve this issue by introducing a dark sector particle, $\chi$, that could offer an alternative decay channel for the neutron. This decay channel could resolve the discrepancy...
Edward Jimenez
(Chemistry Engineering Faculty)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
The X-ray femtoscope predictions:
1) Dark matter has resonances for the chemical elements Cr, Xe and Tm, which corresponds to the forces that gave the name to the WIMPs with adjustment of $R^2=0.996$.
2) Navier Stokes equations and solutions for the atomic nucleus are robust, since they naturally deliver the values of the following constants: neutron radius $r_n=0.843$ fm, measured for the...
Ran Huo
(UC Riverside)
6/1/18, 6:30 PM
We study the cosmological signatures of Invisibly Annihilating Dark Matter (IAnDM) where DM annihilates into dark radiation particles that are decoupled from the Standard Model (SM). In a large class of dark sector models such invisible annihilation determines the relic abundance of DM via dark thermal freezeout. We demonstrate that IAnDM may reveal itself through observable, novel signatures...