Workshop for Applied Nuclear Data Activities (WANDA 2022) [FINAL]

Cisco WebEx (Virtually)

Cisco WebEx (Virtually)

Bruce Pierson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Karolina (Kay) Kolos (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

WANDA 2022 Educational Materials

Nuclear Data 101 Lecture Series:


Reactions on Unstable Nuclei  

Chairs: J. Batchelder (UC Berkeley), J. Despotopulos (LLNL), H-Y. Lee (LANL), G. Severin (MSU/NSCL)

Session Summary: Astrophysical nucleosynthesis, novel energy reactor technologies, and nuclear security applications simulate extreme environments where reactions on unstable nuclei can occur and where data are limited.  New opportunities for experimental measurements and theoretical capabilities are on the horizon, providing important cross section constraints and potentially reducing uncertainties in these applications.  In this session we will focus on reaction data for unstable isotopes with decay half-lives of hours to days.  New experimental techniques with indirect and direct cross-section methods and theoretical inputs will be covered, as well as evaluation methods for the potentially complex reaction pathways.


Nuclear Data for High Energy Ion Interactions and Secondary Particle Production 

Chairs: K.LaBel (KBR Wyle/SSAI), M. Smith (ORNL), R. Vogt (LLNL/UC Davis)

Session Summary: The Galactic Cosmic Ray background covers a wide energy range, peaking at several hundred MeV/nucleon, but extending up to and beyond 10 GeV/nucleon.  The interaction of these particles with spacecraft materials and occupants creates a large and complex cascade that presents challenges to modeling, especially in the absence of measured data covering the entire energy range.  In this session we will identify the improvements required in all components of the nuclear data pipeline to enable safe space exploration.


Neutrons as Secondary Particles and Their Interactions with Matter 

Chairs: L. Heilbronn (UT Knoxville), N. Hertel (ORNL), T. Slaba (NASA)

Session Summary: Energetic neutrons can impart significant dose to both humans involved in space exploration and the electronics they rely on.  They also play an important role in understanding materials damage in fusion and fast fission reactors and in the design of missile defense systems.  Lastly, fast neutrons can be used to explore elemental identification in extraterrestrial bodies.  In this session we will explore the nuclear data dependencies in these applications, paying special attention to crosscutting needs.


Photon Reactions and Transport 

Chairs: B. Beck (LLNL), C. Howell (TUNL/Duke), T. Kawano (LANL), C. Miller (DHS)

Session Summary: In this session we will be discussing high-energy x-ray and gamma-ray data used in diagnostic and imaging applications.  Of particular interest are photon-induced nuclear reactions such as photoabsorption, photoneutron, and photofission.  Aspects of the photon data throughout the nuclear data pipeline will be covered including experiments, theory and evaluation, data library production, and use in applications simulations.  


Stopping powers, energy deposition and dose  

Chairs: L. Bernstein (UC Berkeley/LBNL), P. Griffin (SNL), M. Kruse (LLNL), T. Turflinger (Aero)

Session Summary: Heavy-ions and beta-particles from nuclear reactions induced by the Galactic Cosmic Ray background and Coronal Mass Ejections lead to large local energy deposition (e.g., dose), particularly in the vicinity of the Bragg Peak.  However, significant uncertainties exist in charged-particle stopping powers, introducing difficulties in the design of spacecraft shielding, fission fragment detectors, isotope production and ion-beam therapy.  In this session we will work to identify needs and develop a plan to improve the modeling of charged-particle stopping powers over a broad range of energies and masses.


Nuclear Data adjustments and Impact on Applications 

Chairs: D. Neudecker (LANL), A. Lewis (NNL), R. Casperson (LLNL)

Session Summary: The adjustment process is a key step for many nuclear data users. Through this process they gain optimized nuclear data libraries that encompass knowledge from basic nuclear physics augmented with validation experiments tailored to represent their target application. Adjustment not only reliably reduces the application’s economic and safety margins but at the same time provides a library that can be used with confidence in limited simulations. CSEWG currently provides a “general-purpose” library built upon basic nuclear physics knowledge. Here, we will explore (a) which user groups use adjustment and what lessons have they learned, (b)which other users would benefit from adjusted libraries, (c) the benefits of adjustment, (d) the major stumbling blocks encountered in adjustment and how they can be mitigated, (e) how past integral data can be leveraged, and (f) what tools are needed for the entire adjustment process. The goal of this session is to identify cross-cutting tools needed by multiple programs and the best pathways forward to provide them.

    • 7:30 AM 11:30 AM
      Session One: Reactions on Unstable Nuclei
      Conveners: Greg Severin (MSU/NSCL) (Michigan State University), Hye Young Lee (LANL) (LANL), John Batchelder (UC Berkeley) (LBNL), John Despotopulos (LLNL)
      • 7:30 AM
        Overview on reactions on unstable nuclei for applications 20m
        Speaker: Jo Ressler (LLNL)
      • 7:50 AM
        First and direct measurements on Ni-56 and Ni-59 with fast neutrons at LANSCE 20m
        Speaker: Sean Kuvin (LANL)
      • 8:10 AM
        Reaction studies on unstable nuclei at NIF for Stewardship Science 20m
        Speaker: John Despotopulos (LLNL)
      • 8:30 AM
        Enabling direct reaction studies with very small, highly radioactive targets 20m
        Speaker: Brad DiGiovine (LANL)
      • 8:50 AM
        Separation of unstable isotopes from irradiated targets in hot cells and their characterization 15m
        Speaker: Veronika Mocko (LANL)
      • 9:05 AM
        Break 15m
      • 9:20 AM
        Overview on reactions on unstable nuclei for astrophysics at FRIB 20m
        Speaker: Hendrik Schatz (JINA/MSU)
      • 9:40 AM
        Overview on theoretical effort for indirect reaction studies 20m
        Speaker: Jutta Escher (LLNL)
      • 10:00 AM
        Beta-Oslo measurements for neutron capture reactions 20m
        Speaker: Sean Liddick (MSU)
      • 10:20 AM
        Surrogate measurements for reactions on unstable nuclei 20m
        Speaker: Andrew Ratkiewicz (LLNL)
      • 10:40 AM
        Development of new capabilities for the measurement of (p,n) reactions with unstable nuclei at FRIB using ReA and SECAR 15m
        Speaker: Georgios Perdikakis (CMU/JINA)
      • 10:55 AM
        Reaction study using radioactive beams on neutron target, “measuring impossible reaction rates” 15m
        Speaker: Shea Mosby (LANL)
      • 11:10 AM
        Discussion to solicit community input on “Reactions on Unstable Nuclei”; New development/coordination in specific reactions, radioactive target R&Ds, optimized detectors,unstable nuclear data evaluation...; 20m
        Speakers: Greg Severin (MSU), Hye Young Lee (LANL), John Despotopulos (LLNL), Jon Batchelder (UC Berkeley
    • 12:30 PM 4:35 PM
      Session Two: Nuclear Data for High Energy Ion Interactions and Secondary Particle Production
      Conveners: Kenneth LaBel (KBR WYLE/SSAI) (SSAI/NASA), Michael Smith (ORNL) (ORNL), Ramona Vogt (LLNL/UC Davis) (LLNL)
      • 12:30 PM
        Logistical introduction 5m
        Speaker: Ramona Vogt (LLNL/UC Davis)
      • 12:35 PM
        Technical introduction 20m
        Speaker: Francis Cucinotta (UNLV)
      • 12:55 PM
        DDFRG: Double Differential FRaGmentation models for proton and light ion production in high energy nuclear collisions: Closed-form, analytic formulas for transport codes and other applications 25m
        Speaker: John Norbury (NASA)
      • 1:20 PM
        Code-based modeling 15m
        Speaker: Zi-Wei Lin (ECU)
      • 1:35 PM
        Spacecraft-based modeling 15m
        Speaker: Insoo Jun (NASA/JPL)
      • 1:50 PM
        Modeling Panel Discussion 10m
        Speakers: Insoo Jun (NASA/JPL), John Norbury (NASA, Zi-Wei Lin (ECU)
      • 2:00 PM
        ESA/NASA/GSI database 15m
        Speaker: Francesca Luoni (GSI)
      • 2:15 PM
        US Nuclear Data Program databases 10m
        Speaker: David Brown (NNDC/BNL)
      • 2:25 PM
        Databases Panel Discussion 10m
        Speakers: David Brown (NNNDC/BNL), Francesca Luoni (GSI)
      • 2:35 PM
        Break 15m
      • 2:50 PM
        US facilities (except RHIC) 15m
        Speaker: Ken LaBel (SSAI (NASA) and KBR Wyle (JHU/APL))
      • 3:05 PM
        European facilities 15m
        Speaker: Anastasia Pesce (ESA)
      • 3:20 PM
        RHIC 8m
        Speaker: Daniel Cebra (UC Davis)
      • 3:28 PM
        Experimental Panel Discussion 12m
        Speakers: Anastasia Pesce (ESA), Daneil Cebra (UC Davis), Ken LaBel (KBR Wyle/SSAI), Larry Phair (LBNL)
      • 3:40 PM
        Introduction to applications 5m
        Speaker: Michael Smith (ORNL)
      • 3:45 PM
        Semiconductors 15m
        Speaker: Robert Reed (VU)
      • 4:10 PM
        Applications Panel Discussion 15m
        Speakers: Larry Phair (LBNL), Nicholas Remmes (Mayo), Robert Reed (VU), Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN)
      • 4:25 PM
        Importance of nuclear models and Monte Carlo tools for radiation effects simulations 5m
        Speaker: Ruben Garcia Alla
      • 4:30 PM
        Summary and Final Questions and Comments 5m
    • 7:30 AM 11:30 AM
      Session Three: Neutrons as Secondary Particles and Their Interactions with Matter
      Conveners: Dr Lawrence Heilbronn (University of Tennessee), Nolan Hertel (ORNL), Tony Slaba (NASA)
    • 12:30 PM 4:30 PM
      Session Four: Photon Reactions and Transport
      Conveners: Bret Beck (LLNL), Calvin Howell (Duke), Cameron Miller (DHS) (DHS), Toshihiko Kawano (LANL) (LANL)
    • 7:30 AM 11:30 AM
      Session Five: Stopping Powers, Energy Deposition and Dose
      Conveners: Lee Bernstein (LBNL/UC Berkeley), Michael Kruse (LLNL) (LLNL), Patrick Griffin (SNL), Thomas Turflinger (Aero)
    • 12:30 PM 4:30 PM
      Session Six: Nuclear Data adjustments and Impact on Applications
      Conveners: Denise Neudecker (LANL), Amanda Lewis (NNL), Robert Casperson (LLNL)
      • 12:30 PM
        Introduction to Nuclear Data Adjustment 15m
        Speaker: Robert Casperson (LLNL)
      • 12:45 PM
        NP Perspectives on Advancing the Nuclear Data Pipeline 5m
        Speaker: Keith Jankowski (DOE)
      • 12:50 PM
        Context of Adjustment & Session Overview 10m
        Speaker: Denise Neudecker (LANL)
      • 1:00 PM
        Discussion on Adjustment 5m
      • 1:05 PM
        A Review of the Nuclear Data Adjustment Activities within WPEC Sub-groups 15m
        Speaker: Oscar Cabellos (UPM)
      • 1:20 PM
        Nuclear Data Uncertainties and its Impact on Design Margins and Advanced Reactor Licensing 15m
        Speaker: Timothy Drzewiecki (NRC)
      • 1:35 PM
        Nuclear Data Adjustment with Whisper for Criticality Safety Applications 15m
        Speaker: Michael Rising (LANL)
      • 1:50 PM
        EUCLID Adjustment Including Multiple Integral Responses 15m
        Speaker: Jesson Hutchinson (LANL)
      • 2:05 PM
        Discussion on Use Cases 25m
      • 2:30 PM
        Break 15m
      • 2:45 PM
        Stumbling Blocks, Needs and Available Resources for Creating Adjusted Libraries 10m
        Speaker: Amanda Lewis (NNL)
      • 2:55 PM
        Better Data for Better Models: Evolving Needs for Nuclear Data Adjustment 10m
        Speaker: Ian Hill (NEA)
      • 3:05 PM
        Not All Integral Benchmarks are Created Equal: Words of Caution for Data Adjusters 10m
        Speaker: Catherine Percher (LLNL)
      • 3:15 PM
        Challenges for Data Adjustment and Bias Quantification 10m
        Speaker: BJ Marshall (ORNL)
      • 3:25 PM
        SCALE Covariance Approach 10m
        Speaker: Doro Wiarda (ORNL)
      • 3:35 PM
        Discussion on Stumbling Blocks and Needs 25m
      • 4:00 PM
        Discussion on what should go in summary document 30m
    • 7:30 AM 6:15 PM
      Closing Plenary
      • 7:30 AM
        Novel Approach for Improving Antineutrino Spectra Predictions for Nonproliferation Applications 15m
        Speaker: Filip Kondev (ANL)
      • 7:45 AM
        Improving the Nuclear Data on Fission Product Decays at CARIBU 15m
        Speaker: Daniel Hoff (LLNL)
      • 8:00 AM
        Beta-strength function, reactor decay heat, and anti-neutrino properties from total absorption spectroscopy of fission fragments 15m
        Speaker: Krzysztof Rykaczewski (ORNL)
      • 8:15 AM
        Improving the 238U(n,n’) cross section using neutron-gamma coincidences 15m
        Speaker: Lee Berstein (LBL) (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 8:30 AM
        Integral Measurements of Independent and Cumulative Fission Product Yields Supporting Nuclear Forensics and Other Applications 15m
        Speaker: Todd Bredeweg (LANL) (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
      • 8:45 AM
        Evaluation of Energy Dependent Fission Product Yields 15m
        Speaker: Toshihiko Kawano (LANL)
      • 9:00 AM
        Coffee Break 15m
      • 9:15 AM
        Measurements of Independent Fission Product Yields 15m
        Speaker: Luke Snyder (LLNL) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
      • 9:30 AM
        Independent Fission Product Yields from 0.5 to 20 MeV 15m
        Speaker: Jack Winkelbauer (LANL)
      • 9:45 AM
        Energy Dependent Fission Product Yields 15m
        Speaker: Jack Silano (LLNL) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
      • 10:00 AM
        Modernization and Optimization of the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File 15m
        Speaker: Elizabeth McCutchan (BNL) (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 10:15 AM
        Neutron Scattering Cross Sections: (n,n'), (n,n'g), and (n,g) Measurements 15m
        Speaker: Jeff Vanhoy (USNA)
      • 10:30 AM
        Lunch Break 1h
      • 11:30 AM
        Session One Summary: Reactions on Unstable Nuclei 20m
      • 11:50 AM
        Session Two Summary: Nuclear Data for High Energy Ion Interactions and Secondary Particle Production 20m
      • 12:10 PM
        Session Three Summary: Neutrons as Secondary Particles and Their Interactions with Matter 20m
        Speaker: Dr Lawrence Heilbronn (University of Tennessee)
      • 12:30 PM
        Session Five Summary: Stopping Powers, Energy Deposition and Dose 20m
      • 12:50 PM
        Session Four Summary: Photon Reactions and Transport 20m
      • 1:10 PM
        Session Six Summary: Nuclear Data adjustments and Impact on Applications 20m
      • 1:30 PM
        Closing Remarks/Open Discussion 30m